Biroul de LucrAri Urgente (Bureau for Urgent Matters) in collaboration

with the Center for Emotional Research invite you to submit.

better yet, don’t submit!

just send your text, but don’t manspread on the pages (too long texts won’t make it).

we’re not sure what the result will be,

maybe an anthology of the now in tiny book format.

the writing will inform the theme and not the other way around,

so feel free to send your writing be it

fiction, diary,

poetry, essay,

texts that refuse categorizing.

everything truly yours and truly true (as in real) has a chance.

we’ll put the fun in

funded by an independent bookstorE

and we’ll pay authors 250,- for the selected texts
(plus a copy of the printed edition).

does your mama know you write?

send your text

via the right button below

by December 15th at noon