Create a physical artifact out of your digital traces!
In light of recent increasing tech-fascism and in turn, a growing desire to leave Big Tech platforms, this workshop invites participants to archive their online digital footprints physically.
Many of us have emotional attachments to our digital selves. This workshop functions as a process for participants to acknowledge and archive some of their online digital selves, past and present, which they may have complex, nostalgic, or sentimental attachments to. It is our hope that this process may facilitate a move away from using Big Tech’s infrastructure for archiving our thoughts and memories. As a step in this direction, we will be selecting and transforming digitally saved pieces of our life into physical pieces of art.
Participants will print out images/text/data from their social media and create a physical artifact that they can take home with them using materials such as paper, cloth, glitter, glue, stickers, whatever else they might want to use. The workshop will allow room for creativity in materials and process. Where social media could be understood as IG, FB, Twitter/X, etc. but also more broadly speaking, old Tumblr accounts, Pinterest boards,, etc. etc., (basically, whatever you want to archive and play with physically).
This workshop also coincides with CURSOR's current theme which is In the Archives.
Cursor is a Copenhagen-based collective and micro-publication bringing together people across fields with the aim to deepen our understanding of the digital world around us.
Email us if you want to participate & cost is a barrier to participation or for other accessibility questions at Snacks will be provided.